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joe blob 12:39 Wed Mar 25
The Official Let's all Laugh at Wigan Relegation Thread
Take that Whelan you cunt!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Hugh Monteith 1:32 Mon Apr 27
Re: The Official Let's all Laugh at Wigan Relegation Thread

SDKFZ 222 1:27 Mon Apr 27
Re: The Official Let's all Laugh at Wigan Relegation Thread
Anyone who was at their place when they relegated us shouldn't shed a tear over Wigan. Their post celebration goading was well over the top. As for me, I have disliked them ever since they put Devo out of football for 18 months during that FA Cup match in 1984.

Serious Drinking 11:07 Sun Apr 26
Re: The Official Let's all Laugh at Wigan Relegation Thread
I hope they never come back.

Too many 3rd division clubs with money have been choking up the premier league, like Reading and Fulham and Hull and worst of all Wigan. Not really the most inspiring fixtures. Especially Wigan, aren't even 3rd div club, weren't they playing in the northern leagues until recently when they had money thrown at them?

I'd rather clubs I hate come up, like Millwall and Leeds. Or at least proper clubs like Forest Wednesday or Derby.

Hermit Road 9:28 Sun Apr 26
Re: The Official Let's all Laugh at Wigan Relegation Thread
Not really Blagg, Wigan played 1 (ONE) premier league team on the way to the final. Two in total to win the thing. Over two games, most premier league teams have a chance. Over a season, they were found out.

There was no chaos theory, just a poor team being relegated.

After8 9:21 Sun Apr 26
Re: The Official Let's all Laugh at Wigan Relegation Thread
I cannot wait until they get relegated.

SteveJacko 8:40 Sun Apr 26
Re: The Official Let's all Laugh at Wigan Relegation Thread
And up against playoff chasing Brentford next.

I think they'll drop into league 2 in a years time.

Billy Blagg 8:40 Sun Apr 26
Re: The Official Let's all Laugh at Wigan Relegation Thread
While you're laughing, you may want to look back at this forum and see all those posts when Wigan won the FA Cup, saying how much bigger WHU are and how that should be us etc. Fancy swapping places now? Just goes to show football is just chaos theory in practice.

joe blob 8:35 Sun Apr 26
Re: The Official Let's all Laugh at Wigan Relegation Thread
Wigan 0 Wolves 1

Almost there

One McAvennieeeeee 8:26 Wed Apr 15
Re: The Official Let's all Laugh at Wigan Relegation Thread
I'm also glad Millwall beat one of our most bitter and hated rivals Wigan Athletic.

joe blob 3:17 Wed Apr 15
Re: The Official Let's all Laugh at Wigan Relegation Thread
I know it's Millwall but:


Stevethehammer 9:36 Mon Apr 6
Re: The Official Let's all Laugh at Wigan Relegation Thread
10 or 15 minutes to let the crowd go!
What to get the ford ka started then the 4 fans can leave.
Can't wait to see this two bob outfit drop back into the depth of lower league football.

1964 9:07 Mon Apr 6
Re: The Official Let's all Laugh at Wigan Relegation Thread
We got relegated by them 5 years ago. Now look! We should think ourselves lucky we haven't gone the same way.

Thanks GSB!

joe blob 9:00 Mon Apr 6
Re: The Official Let's all Laugh at Wigan Relegation Thread
Fucked again and sacked the Manager


Feed Me Chicken 4:01 Mon Apr 6
Re: The Official Let's all Laugh at Wigan Relegation Thread
Just heard on the radio that their last home win was August 30th!!!! Fuck that.

terry-h 4:06 Sat Apr 4
Re: The Official Let's all Laugh at Wigan Relegation Thread
Looks like there's more chance of Abramovich worrying himself to death than being assassinated.

ippyhammer 11:17 Sat Apr 4
Re: The Official Let's all Laugh at Wigan Relegation Thread
Still hoping it all goes Tits up for villa would love to see them drop off the face of the earth there's only one claret and blue army!

Sydney_Iron 11:03 Sat Apr 4
Re: The Official Let's all Laugh at Wigan Relegation Thread
I never used to like Whelan because the Tevez thing but on the other hand he supports his club no matter what and is vocal about it as well and I think in today’s game you have to give the bloke some credit for that, even if we were in the firing line a few years ago.

subcutaneous 10:57 Sat Apr 4
Re: The Official Let's all Laugh at Wigan Relegation Thread
I have an irrational hatred of Wigan, but I want all the teams at the bottom to win, until Millwall have dropped.

*buys Rotherham scarf*

Private Dancer 10:53 Sat Apr 4
Re: The Official Let's all Laugh at Wigan Relegation Thread
'Wigan chairman Whelan, still stunned by the Russian billionaire’s brutal axing of ­Roberto Di Matteo, has met Abramovich just once, when Chelsea were the visitors for their first Premier League game in 2005.

Abramovich landed by helicopter and drove the few hundred yards to the stadium in a bulletproof limo driven up from London.

He spoke just six words to his host, brought his own drinking water and, to add insult to injury, refused a famous Wigan pie.

Whelan said: “Abramovich had just bought Chelsea and he used to travel then. He came to Wigan in a helicopter and sent three men up on the Wednesday and two more on the Friday.

“I let him land about 300 yards from the ground. I said I would put a car on to pick him up but he had his own sent up from London. Bulletproof.

“It picked him up and brought him to the stadium. He stood in the boardroom and wouldn’t move out of the corner. He wouldn’t have anything at all to eat or drink.

“I offered him a Wigan pie. He wouldn’t have it – he probably thought it had been ­poisoned.

“He had nothing, not even a glass of water. He brought his own water with him. So he just stood there in the corner.

“He went out to watch the match with six bodyguards around him. Afterwards he came back into the boardroom and said, ‘How long before I can go?’

“I told him he would have to give it ten or 15 minutes to let the crowd go. Then he was back into the bulletproof car and off.

“Now, whenever I go to Chelsea I never see him. He never comes to say hello. Never'

Sven Roeder 10:48 Sat Apr 4
Re: The Official Let's all Laugh at Wigan Relegation Thread
I am guessing Abramovich doesn't eat anything his tasters haven't tried first.

Private Dancer 10:46 Sat Apr 4
Re: The Official Let's all Laugh at Wigan Relegation Thread
Surface - Abramovich once turned down a pie at Wigan, much to the disgust of the natives, old man Whelan included.

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